How to choose between massage gun and fascia knife?

First of all, let’s understand fascia. Fascia is a kind of soft tissue of the body and a large net of the body. Its main purpose is to help us complete the posture fixation and tension transmission of the body. Fascia is divided into deep fascia and superficial fascia. There are rich blood vessels and nerves on the superficial fascia, which mainly help in the transmission of pain and the circulation of body fluids. When the superficial fascia is adhered, it is very easy to cause edema of the limbs caused by poor venous return, which will also affect the elasticity of the skin. The deep fascia wraps the muscles, and there are very rich proprioceptors on it, which are almost 10 times that of the muscles. Most of the sensations of muscle contraction and movement perceived by the body are actually derived from the deep fascia. In most muscle strains, the deep fascia is also damaged.
The connective tissue between the deep fascia contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid. When the pH value decreases and there is an inflammatory reaction, the hyaluronic acid active enzyme will increase. Its content will decrease, the form will change from liquid to solid, and the adhesion will be strengthened. As a result, the sliding between the fascia becomes poor, and the performance of sports ability will be affected. To increase the relative sliding between fascia, the best way is to apply a certain pressure under the condition of relative force sliding to accelerate the decomposition of hyaluronic acid, so that large molecules become small molecules, and solids become liquids. . Fascia regains better relative sliding.
The principle of the massage gun for knee pain is mainly to relax the local surrounding soft tissue through high-frequency vibration. The fascia knife mainly uses the external shear force to peel off the soft tissues during the muscle contraction process, promote the mutual sliding between the fascia, and increase the decomposition of hyaluronic acid.
Both are loosened by tools, which can reduce the excessive use of the hands, but it is more difficult to use the fascia knife, and it is necessary to have sufficient understanding of the uses and parts of the various fascia knife, and to be able to have a good Palpate the feeling, be familiar with the effective loosening steps and methods of various soft tissues, and be familiar with the 5-step process of fascia knife. On the contrary, it is less difficult to use the massage gun for knee pain, and Xiaobai can use it quickly after undergoing special training on the massage gun. And because of its working mechanism, it is very difficult to cause damage caused by improper handling. Therefore, the massage gun has a wider audience and is more suitable for ordinary people to buy and use.
massage gun for knee pain

Post time: Nov-21-2022